29 January 2010

OC Journey #1 - How it all began

When the kids were little back in 2002, I decided the education path they were to take. I've always known that I preferred public education over private schooling (aside: I attended a public high school). First, I did not want to pay exorbitant school fees. I wanted our already high taxes to work for us. Second, public high schools lead in school performance anyway. For me, it was a no-brainer.

However, one does not just walk in to these high performance schools. One has to take very competitive examinations to get in. In New South Wales, the top government schools are called Selective High Schools. The name, I am guessing, probably means 'selected students' (aside: Aussies can be very literal in their choice of words).

First question to self: 'How do I prepare my children for Selective High School? I am not deluded as to assume that they are very smart children when they grow up.'

Second question to self: 'How do I make my children take the exam willingly with minimum fuss?'

The answer to the first question is easy. There are many avenues available: enrol the kids in a good public primary school, send them to coaching classes, get them a place in an Opportunity Class, or (heaven forbid!) all of the above!

Simply put, an Opportunity Class is a precursor to Selective High School. Government schools have OC Classes in Years 5 and 6. Again, children take tests to get in.

I resolved to take the OC path. Now, how in the world can I make this happen? How can I make the kids want to prepare for the test, let alone sit for it?

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