03 July 2010

"So, how was your weekend?"

This is my own take of "the Aussie way of life".

"So, how was your weekend?"

This question used to throw me off-kilter.  I thought, "Do you really want to hear that I had a lousy weekend?"

My family relocated to Australia in 2000. At that time, when my workmates asked me this simple question on Mondays, I was truly puzzled.  In my mind, I went "This question is very personal.  Why do they want to know?  If I say that I did nothing, they will think how boring my life is.  But it is not boring at all, just un-exciting.  Do they seriously want to know?  Shall I tell them how I vacuumed and cleaned my carpet?  Well, I better start doing things on weekends so I will appear exciting!"

I started dreading this question.  I felt pressured to come up with exciting weekend stories.

Later, it dawned on me that this simple question is the equivalent of our "Kumusta na?" or "Hello".  However, Aussies go beyond the simple "How are you?".  They genuinely like to hear what transpired over your weekend.  They like to listen, and they also want to share their own stories.  It goes beyond the niceties of "talking about the weather".  Which by the way, is a great conversation starter.

It is amazing how there is so much to talk about the weather.  Back in the Philippines, there is only hot and rain and the occasional flooding.  Not particularly interesting to talk about.  But when you live in a country with four seasons, "weather-talk" establishes a safe and common ground and it builds rapport.  Everybody knows what the weather is like so there is instant camaraderie.

I also noticed how Aussies tend to use big words to describe pedestrian things.  Words such as "awesome", "beautiful" and "excellent" are commonly used to add color and dimension.  The word "lovely" is not limited to describing a pretty girl.  It can be used to describe "a lovely weekend". On the other hand, we Filipinos, tend to use precise words and downplay our happenings.

So the next time someone asked you "How was your weekend?" or "So, how was your holiday?"

Without missing a beat, respond quickly, "Oh I spent the weekend tidying up my kitchen.  I can't believe I have so much expired stuff inside my pantry!  I drove the kids to soccer Saturday morning.  And by golly, was it freezing!"

Put a spin to it. Use big words. Paint a lovely picture!  Notice that I said virtually nothing personal.  Yet I came across as one who had a blast! 

Don't get me started on responding to "How's life?"


Anonymous said...

very, very nice! i so can relate :) - john

Anonymous said...

Everytime I go to the shops, the sales attendant would always ask the same question "How was your weekend (or your day)?". Common answers I always hear around are.... "not bad at all!"... "good! what about you?".... "had a gorgeous weekend.".... ;0 - Gee ;->
